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Seeds of Salvation

Home Forums Freedom In America Testimonies/Praises Seeds of Salvation

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  • #1993
    Joshua Bevington

    I find it amazing, wonderful, and precious when someone comes to trust Christ. That moment where you can look in their eyes and know that that person will be forever changed. Not just their physical, but their eternity will be everlasting in the presence of our Lord and Savior JESUS CHRIST.
    I hold a special place in my heart for the kids as well. They are growing in a world that is forever growing cold and dark and when they receive that sweet sweet Salvation it really pulls at my heart.
    Not to leave out adults …I know adults can be stubborn or hard hearted, but when I see someone come to the end of themselves and realize that the only way to eternity with CHRIST is through him; that too is precious.
    It burdens me to know that there are people out there without someone praying for them, without people spreading the gospel to them, and what is even worse is the fact that sometimes those people are the very same individuals GOD put in my life for that very same reason.
    So let us redeem the time before it is too late for them!! I know I’ve wasted a LOT of time, so let’s yield to CHRIST and push onward Christian Soldiers!!!

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