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  • Profile picture of DanHodges

    posted in the group Homesteading / survival

    3 years, 3 months ago
    • I will be watching more of his videos.. Very informative!👍🏻
      • I liked a lot of what he said except I don’t fully agree with his “Sabbath” idea of no work done in the garden on the Sabbath. That is old testament that we cannot do work on the Sabbath or for us as Christians our day of rest is Sunday. When your garden needs watering or delicate plants may die if you don’t get them watered you do so no matter what day it is. Gardens are a lot of hard intensive backbreaking work. You have to work on things pretty much every day of the week with weeding, watering, staking plants, fertilizing, watching for bugs that might eat your crop and then determining what bug spray or powder you need to apply to kill bugs and picking fruit and veggies at the right time. I liked his raised beds and how he mentioned the idea of “companion” and shade plants. Last garden season I was studying about that and we put in 3 raised beds ourselves. Two are strawberries and one for lettuce and swiss chard/spinach. It worked out really well but needed intense watering every single day as things dry out a lot faster in raised beds. I planted 200 strawberry plants half of which are in the raised beds and half in the ground next to our asparagus plants. This spring I’ll see which did better over the winter months. The raised beds are a great idea if you don’t have good topsoil or have rocky ground. Easier to keep weeded and you can do your raised beds and fill them with good rich topsoil and other nutrient material but it is expensive to do if you have to buy all that. We have good topsoil in the woods but it would be full of weeds and possibly poison ivy so we bought ours and spent probably over $300 to do that between ours and Andy’s as we went in together to buy the material for both our places. His mention of shade plants is what I’ve been reading up on too as I have a spot of rich dark soil in our backyard that is in the shade a lot and discovered some plants do very well in the shade and it actually causes them to thrive as they don’t get burned out from the sun easily as when they are in direct sun all day. The idea of growing “companion” plants together is also excellent as certain kinds of plants grow well together and compliment one another more so than others. There are plants that have deep roots and plants that have shallow roots. If you are new to gardening read up on these things when planning out how to set up and do your garden. These things are all good to know to have the best success in your gardens. One more thing, it is good to plant certain flowers in your garden as well such as marigolds as they repel snails, spider mites and insects that seek to eat away and destroy your veggie plants. One more thing that I am going to add to our backyard alongside the garden and Hunter’s swing set is a cheap pool because after sweating it out working in the garden it’s nice to jump in a pool to cool off. So happy gardening everyone!


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