Joshua Bevington posted in the group Research
Something I’ve been starting to study into, it’s pretty interesting. All these “crazy” people that are “conspiracy theorists” don’t seem so delusional after everything starting to tie together.
Strange Plasma Anomaly or Evidence of a Project Blue Beam Hologram? (video)
This particular video may be faked or what not but the idea behind it is certainly very plausible. Look into “Project Blue Beam” Serge Monast”
My brother in law, Ted’s brother, is an electrical engineer and has been studying about this among many other things such as the HAARP system and geoengineering, how the CIA has run false flags and pulled us into wars and a host of other things. He told me to look up project Blue Beam. He said there is going to be a lot of anomalies projected in the skies and it’s all to deceive people. He even said they will use it to project religions symbols and things in the sky to mimic the coming of Jesus. My brother in law, John, has never been much of a religious person in the past but he is now talking a lot about praying and seeking God and I was able to talk to him about salvation and he listened and said he is now a believer.

Douglas Chalfant

Kelly Martin

Samantha Johnson

Brad Latimer

Rob Martin